Official media outlets or legitimate media individuals must complete a credential request form. Requests for credentials should be made by the assigning editor or news/sports director from legitimate news gathering agencies.
Subject to limitations of space, credentials may be issued to working members of the media representing recognized outlets in the business of news gathering as their primary source of revenue. This includes a daily or weekly publication, cable system, radio station, television station or television network, or online entity requiring immediate news coverage. Immediate news coverage for purposes of these criteria shall mean that the editorial, audio and/or visual deadline for the event action being documented occurs not later than 48 hours after the competition at the site has been completed.
Freelance reporters or photographers will not be credentialed unless they are working under a specific assignment. Credential applications must be submitted by the sports editor, sports director/producer, photo editor or participating institution representative.
Deadline to request credentials: 8:00 AM EST on the day prior to the home match.
Issued credentials are non-transferable and must always be worn in a visible manner. Misuse of a media credential could result in immediate removal from the event and denial of future requests.
After your application has been received by the TLH Reckoning, a confirmation of an approval or denial with additional information will be sent.
Credentials WILL NOT be issued to spouses, guests, or children of media members; persons writing or gathering material for books and/or documentaries; representatives of syndicated television or cable programmers who are not producing programs for immediate news coverage (i.e., to air within 48 hours); podcasts which do not fall under credential policies and guidelines listed below; agents; scouts and other representatives of professional organizations; and publications devoted solely to gambling.
There is NO designated media parking. Photographers MUST shoot from outside the designated photography area. Under no circumstances are photographers allowed in the team bench area during the game.
Event Media Guidelines
Media credentials and access will only be provided to individuals fulfilling a legitimate operational role at a match, training session, or event. The bearer must be assigned to a specific task. Credentials are not transferable. Any unauthorized use of credentials may result in the bearer being removed from the stadium. Reselling or attempting to resell credentials will result in confiscation and cancellation.
Engaging in the following actions may lead to the confiscation of the credential and/or the ejection of its wearer from the stadium or training facility:
- Requesting autographs at any time
- Taking photographs with players/coaches
- Using credential for family or friends of a working media member
- Conducting of unauthorized interviews outside of prescribed media access periods
- Unprofessional behavior (cheering in the press box, consumption of alcoholic beverages, failure to abide by posted rules, etc.)
Credentialed Media
Post-Training: We will make every effort to fulfill media requests for interviews with both coaches and players at the conclusion of training or during the designated open media access period.
Post-Match Media Access: All players will be available for post-match media upon request. We will designate an area within the stadium to conduct interviews.
Seating Access: Accredited media members will have access to the stadium. During the match, accredited media will have access to the press box which will be restricted to only those accredited media members. There is a 10-seat maximum capacity in the press box and reserved on a first-come basis.
Guidelines for Photographers and Camera Operators: With the exception of staff photographers, TLH Reckoning crews present at a match, all photographers and television camera operators must stay behind the field fence at all times, unless released by the on-site photo marshal.
Each photographer will be permitted to use one monopod — but no tripods.
Stand-alone remote units will not be permitted at any time on or around the goal posts without the prior express approval from the TLH Reckoning.
Once situated, no movement between the two halves of the field shall be permitted until halftime.
Photographer Identification: Photographers and camera crews must wear the wristband, credential, or vest that TLH Reckoning provides at all times.
Accreditation: TLH Reckoning does not permit the accreditation of photographers shooting specifically for commercial agencies.
Photographs and Video
All rights to match footage including all applicable copyrights belong to TLH Reckoning. No entity or individual may sell or publish photographs or videos of any TLH Reckoning event without the prior written approval and consent from TLH Reckoning.
Non-Rights Holder Video Guidelines
Video Footage: All rights to match footage including all applicable copyrights belong to TLH Reckoning.
Online Video
Match Action: Online organizations (including print publications that post video online) are not permitted to film or use match action video without prior written approval by TLH Reckoning. Match action includes any footage of the field, teams, etc., following the beginning of the television broadcast window. Only video of off-field activities (i.e. interviews, training sessions) may be recorded.
Non-Match Video: Any video posted online that is recorded as part of media access is limited to the use of two (2) minutes per day/activity date. Online video may not incorporate integrated advertising and must be accompanied by links to
Online Video Sites: Organizations who regularly post video to online video sites (i.e., YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) may not include advertising with video gathered as a result of media access. Allowing users to embed these videos is not permitted, and the description of any video must include a link to